So, in order to celebrate the first full week of my blog existing (Blog-iversary? Hmmm...) I'm going to hold a competition from this Saturday. I give this warning so that people can make sure to come back then and check it out.
The list of goodies to be given away will include,
- A copy of The Swan Kingdom
- A copy of Daughter of the Flames
- Bookplates for the above, signed by me
- Chapter One of Shadows on the Moon - the first few pages of this are already on my website, but this will be the full first chapter, which no one but my editor and agent have seen
- Playlist CD of my writing music
- Various other goodies from me, which I guarantee you can't get anywhere else
+ 1 if you post about this giveaway on Facebook or Twitter and link back here
+ 2 if you post the contest on your own blog and link back
+ 3 if you become a follower of this blog
So that last one means your name goes in the hat three times!
The competition does not *officially* start until Saturday, because I'm wanting the news about this to disseminate through the blogosphere so that everyone who might be interested will get a go. However, if you want to start Facebooking, Twittering, blogging or following now - don't worry. You still go in the hat.
I'll post again on Saturday to officially open the giveaway and then everyone else will get another week to be involved!
In the meantime: does anyone have an opinion on which hat I should draw the names from? I'm leaning towards the 1930's red with sequins myself, but what do you think?
ETA: on more advice from the sage Saya, I'm back to add a little more detail. Link backs from MySpace, BeBo or any other place where a lot of people are passing through are also counted. If you want to embed one of my YouTube videos on your blog, Facebook etc, that will also gain you three entries in the hat. In order to enter the competition you must comment, either on THIS post, or the one I make on Saturday, and tell me just what you've done. I am excepting early entries, but you must comment on this post for me to count you.
Finally, I've had such a cool idea about how I'm going to make these prizes interesting and unique. I'm really stoked. Check back on Saturday for more details!
Nifty! Zoe, I didn't know you had a blog. Glad to see it =).
Hi Bekah, thanks for commenting. I've only *just* got a blog, really. I started it last Friday. Let's hope I don't run out of ideas before next Friday...
Thanks so much for the giveaway! Will come back on Saturday with my entries!
I think the black hat will be great for the drawing! But then,I am biased since black is my favorite color!
Ah - the poor picture quality has deceived you, Bookaholic. It's actually dark brown. Do you still feel the same knowing that, or would you like to plump for the sequins now? :)
Are you giving away the hat? I want the hat! The red one.
I'm very digging hats and red right now. So a red hat is perfect.
What? You're NOT giving away the hats?
Thanks for the shout-out! <3
You're very welcome. And are you kidding? I had to save up for like two months for that red hat. They don't even make them anymore. No way is THAT going in the giveaway.
Other cool things are, though...(she says mysteriously).
The blue hat get my vote. I'm very into turquoise at the moment. Are you going to webcam yourself when you do the draw? That would be so much fun!
Well, I wasn't *going* to...but I guess I could, if you think it would be interesting. And I must admit that I'm torn between the turquoise and the red sequins. Both so bright, so sparkly! Poor old chocolate brown never really got a look-in. I'm so shallow.
Sometimes the book gods are kind to me; the day I look at my bookcase for something to do read and think 'I wonder when Zoe Marriott's next book will be ready for me to devour? I'll check her website', is in the week that you set up a blog!
I've tried to do all the things to enter. I'm definitely following now - although that technology stumped me for a while, and the link is definitely on my facebook :-) I also think I now have a blog with no followers which is empty apart from this link!
Anyhoo, I LOVE the youtube videos, will be following this blog frequently and most importantly I still LURRRRVE (though it needed a bit of emphasis!) your books and can't wait to get my hands on 'Shadows on the Moon'!
Sorry if I sound like a crazy stalker! xxx
Now if only a similar coincidence would happen about a million more times, my plan for world domination would be fulfilled!
Your name is in the hat many, many times, my dear. And after such a lovely comment from you, I hope you win! Crazy stalkers are welcome here, so long as they're not sparkly vampires.
What, you wouldn't rather be stalked by a beautiful, if not exactly alive, sparkly vampire?
Nope. Readers can stalk me any day. Smug vampires who 'chortle' patronisingly at everything I say and secretly climb into my bed to watch me sleep for months on end...they can be introduced to Buffy.
So it's not just me who doesn't find it hot to be chortled at? Or watched while I sleep? Sweet relief! I've been feeling lonely.
I do love free stuff--I like to get it nearly as much as I like to send it out, so thanks for hosting a contest!
+3 for subscribing, and I vote for the turquoise hat. It's what Indiana Jones would wear to a fashion show.
Don't feel lonely! My name is legion, for we are many, and you can find others like us here: http://cleoland.pbworks.com/Twilight#Bookdiscussionentries
Yay, turquoise hat! You can't really see it in the photo, but it is soft and soft of fuzzy like a baby chick. Your name goes in...
I like the red one best It's so funky :)
Thank you, Anonymous. I will add your preference to the list of votes.
I was a sparkly vampire but the glitter came off in the shower so I just went back to being a general pale person. I do enjoy chortling at people though!
Yay, thank you!! I'm ridiculously excited - I think I might even whoop aloud ... yes, here it comes ... followed by strange looks from my dog .. I don't feel strange at all!
I too have been accused of being pale enough to be a vampire. Luckily I'm not in the habit of either chortling or sparkling, so the misapprehension was soon corrected.
New post on writing tomorrow! Check back.
Haha just to clarify I have never actually covered myself in glitter to convince myself I was a vampire! I did, however, make my own T-shirt for the Deathly Hallows book launch - that's as far as I've gone. And even then I was upstaged by the girl dressed as a nimbus 2000!!!
Awesome! I'm pumped!
+ 3 if you become a follower of this blog
Three entries in the hat! I hope I manage to spell your name right...
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