Friday, 9 September 2011


Hello all! It's Friday (Friday, Friday!) and tomorrow I depart for my week-long, internet-free sojourn in the wilds of the Lake District. But yesterday I made an even more perilous journey. To the hair stylists!

Because, lo, these many long weeks ago, I made my faithful Dear Readers a promise. That if/when the blog reached 300 followers, I would die pink or purple streaks in my hair. I had decided to get a haircut at the same time, and asked you all to vote on what I should go for.

Just for perspective, here's a shot of me just after I got up yesterday morning, with shaggy dishevelled hair:

So after I hauled that shaggy mop down to the stylists, what DID I go for?


Floopy hair! A shoulder-length layered bob with a heavy fring (bangs, for you USians). I love it! It's still long enough to put back in a bun or ponytail if I want it out of the way to wash my face or whatever, but short enough that it feels loads lighter and very different. I'm told it makes me look younger, too, and there is NOTHING wrong with that.

But what about our purple streaks, you cry! You didn't chicken out, did you? No, no, my babies - your lack of faith hurts! I would never go back on a promise to you. Here are your streaks:

One on each side, like racing stripes! I had them placed under my hairline so that when I turn my head they flash through the blonde, and I can show them off by pulling the sides of my hair back or braiding it. Nice, eh?

Of course the question now is...what should I do if the blog reaches 400 followers? Suggestions in the comments! And remember - this is the last you will see of me for a week. I'll be back, with holiday snaps, on the 19th of September. Take care of yourselves, Dear Readers :)


Sarah Tokeley said...

Love the new hair. Enjoy your holiday.

serendipity_viv said...

You look gorgeous. I love the racy stripes. Have a fabulous holiday hun.

Zoë Marriott said...

Thanks, Viv and Sarah! Will do :O)

Isabel said...

Your hair looks gorgeous!! You can pull off anything. :) (And I'm guessing you liked doing your hair a lot better than singing the blues, too. ;))

Hmm... only 99 to go till we reach 400! High time we started thinking of something!

Have fun on your holiday, I can't wait to see pictures!!

Zoë Marriott said...

Isabel: Honestly, it's been so long since I did anything interesting with my hair, I was nearly as nervous about cutting/dying as I was about singing! And being sat in one of those chairs without being able to move for two hours wasn't much fun, either. But the results were worth it.

Isabel said...

My main problems with hairdressers are when you have a scratchy nose... AND YOU CAN'T SCRATCH IT.

R.J. Anderson said...

Love it! You look terrific!

I just had my hair dyed for the first time as well (nothing nearly as exciting as yours, just got some low-lights put in all over to blend in some unsightly chunks of grey) and yes, it's a tedious process, but I'm happy with the results.

Jenni (Juniper's Jungle) said...

I love your new look so much, it's fab and really suits you.

Hope you have a wonderful holiday!

Zoë Marriott said...

R.J.: Thank you! Shockingly, even my mother likes it (and the last time she liked my hair was back when I was about twelve, I think). But getting colour put in is such a fun way to change your look without cutting off a foot of hair, like me. Be warned, though - once you start messing around with your hair, it gets addictive. The next thing you know, you'll be showcasing purple streaks, too...

Jenni: Thanks - I shall try. Let's hope I don't get Twitter withdrawal!

LenaLovesStuff said...

It's so super cute!!!

Alex Mullarky said...

It looks lovely! The weather over here isn't great at the moment in all honesty, but you sure get the wild Cumbrian effect :D

Zoë Marriott said...

Lena: Thank you :)

Alex: Well, probably the worse the weather, the more writing I'll get done's not a bad thing. I didn't really expect to get a tan in Cumbria anyway!

Lori M. Lee said...

Love the new cut. It looks light and fun :D

Cam said...

I love your hair! I admit, at first I couldn't imagine why you'd want to cut it, but it looks great!

Zoë Marriott said...

Thanks, Cam and Lori :)

A said...

Awesome hair!! It really suits you :D I dyed my hair purple once, I miss it. I may have to do it again sometime hehe!

Valia Lind said...

Oh adorable!!! I love it!!!! You inspire me :-)

Zoë Marriott said...

Thanks Amy and Valia! It's nice to know I've not scored an own goal. I'm already wishing I'd had a few more purple bits put in, I must admit - I love them!

Shelby said...

Love it! It looks much better, but I do of course love long hair, so you look pretty in each picture;)

Zoë Marriott said...

Thanks, Shelby! I can always grow it back, though - it'd be nearly as long again by this time next year.

Aimen said...

Aww, you have such beautiful hair, Zoe. Gah, wish I had hair like yours ^_^

And I love the natural color of your hair and no >.> it's not entirely because I've seen near to no blondes in real life...Like ever xD

The streaks look AWESOME! =DD

Have fun this week. =D

BookBreather said...

OMG, ZOE! This looks so cute :D

Excellent decision!!

- Gabbi.

Raimy from Readaraptor Hatchling said...

Love the hair! :D I hope you have a lovely time away too!

Megz said...

You look awesome ;-) Enjoy. (The holiday, I mean... but you can enjoy the hair too, I guess.)

Rebecca Lindsay said...

Love the hair!! The style really suits you! :) My mum is the same, she always wants me to change my hair and always creeps up on me with a pair of scissors or a time for the hairdressers. Needless to say, I always choose the hairdresser option lol.
For your 400 followers you could hold a draw competition for people to comment and leave their names with a chance to get drawn to have their name in one of your books? Or a Hena tattoo? :D lol

Isabel said...

My dad's slowly getting through Shadows on the Moon (he doesn't have very much time to read) and he says he's really enjoying it. :-)

Eafiu said...

Just gorgeous! :D

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