Tuesday, 19 June 2012


Hello, Dear Readers. I hope you are having or will have a delightful Tuesday!

Today I've got various bits of news to offer up, about what I'm doing and also about the blog and...well, just read on and see.

Firstly, some Katana Trilogy: The Night Itself news. I can't remember if I posted about it before, but when my editor first read the intial draft of the book she really liked it and thought it didn't need too much work. So we went back and forth on line edits for a bit, but we both felt sort of stuck - we didn't seem to be getting anywhere. The more my editor read the book as it was, the more she felt something was missing. So last week (last Thursday actually - which is why you didn't get a post!) we met up and had a really fabulous, intense editorial meeting and agreed to overhaul the whole book, to make it the absolute best it can possibly be. Basically, it's about taking everything - story, characters, writing - from 'good' to 'craymazing'. Which I'm totally on board with. I'm very excited about the re-writes and changes we have planned. But this does mean a lot of extra work that wasn't part of my original, tightly packed (slightly OCD) work schedule.

The draft of Katana Trilogy: Book #2 (which is currently at about 80% of complete) has to go on hold for now. It's probably going to need extensive re-writes to get it to match up with the first book again, but I would have been doing re-writes anyway as part of my normal process when it was finished, so that's not a huuuge deal.

However, what can't go on hold is the blog tour for FrostFire, which is starting at the end of this week! There's going to be one guest post by me on a different blog every Friday running up to the book's publication date of the 5th of July, and this will continue until the 20th of that month. I've only written one of the posts so far (the one for this Friday) so I seriously need to get cracking. I'm told there should be a banner for me to post here shortly so you can see where the posts will be on what date - there are some really great bloggers taking part - but don't worry, I'll be linking them here anyway every Friday so you can click through.

Which brings me to...the blog. Guys, I'm really sorry but for the duration of the blog tour I'm not going to do any new posts here. Ah, don't throw things! Hear me out, wait, wait! Every Tuesday I'm going to do a Retro-Tuesday blog post - pulling up an older post from the archive that you might have missed the first time around, or I think you'd enjoy reading again. Then every Friday you get a brand new post, only on someone else's blog. So you're not really missing out all that much. It's just that I feel like I need to take some pressure off myself at the moment, and new posts here are the only thing I can feasibly decide not to worry about. After Friday's post about my inbox I feel like an awful slacker, but once again: I hope you will forgive me!

See you on Friday, cuties!


Rebecca Lindsay said...

You sound super super busy, but it'll all be worth it in the end. I love that picture at the end, it's so cute :)

Zoë Marriott said...

Rebecca: Well, yeah - I hope that you guys would rather have a new book from me next year than a bunch of blog posts right now :)

Ruby97 said...

Wow, someones a busy bee! :) and btw - THAT PICTURE IS SO CUTE! :'3 seriously, adorable.

Zoë Marriott said...

Ruby: Heh. I thought so. I wanna hug the little rat, not the bear!

Bonnie @ A Backwards Story said...

I think you'll be going insane, but I totally would rather have you focus on your awesome-sounding book than chatting with us, as much as I ADORE chatting with you! <3 I can't wait to see this book!!!

I'm excited for your blog tour, too! I've conveniently let myself forget the exact release date so that when it comes in the mail from Book Depo (Which could take a month), I'm surprised and thrilled! Last year, SOTM came the week of my birthday, so we'll see!! Hopefully you'll do a US Blog Tour as well, and I know a US blogger who would love to take part! ^.~

Zoë Marriott said...

Bonnie: Pretty much, yes! The going insane part, I mean...

I'm not sure what they'll organise for the U.S. release of FF - there was no book tour for SotM, we'll have to wait and see. But if they ask me, I will put your name out there!

jaclyndolamore said...

Oh, I do love a good editorial overhaul when it feels so right. Even if it does make you crazy-busy. I haven't stopped in at your blog in a bit, I have to go catch up now!

Zoë Marriott said...

Jackie: Right?! My family don't get this at all. It's like having an itch that at first you sort of ignored because you couldn't get to it, but it got worse and worse, and then fiiiinally someone came along and handed you a backscratcher and you can reach. Have a nice time in the archives, btw - watch out for the bottomless pits...

A said...

Ahh cute rat!!! :D
Good luck with your busy schedule, I'm lookign forward to reading your guest posts :)

Emma said...

Whoop! I'd forgotten how close FF was to being released! EXCITED! And that rat is the spitting image of my rat, Loki :)

Zoë Marriott said...

Emma: Aw! You have a rat named Loki? That's adorable!

Emma Pass said...

Nothing to forgive! I hope the re-writing goes fabulously, and I'm looking forward to the blog tour!

Zoë Marriott said...

Thanks, Emma. I hope it does too, although my ability to actually tell at this point is pretty dodgy...

Anonymous said...

Your work schedule sounds crazy busy - I don't know how you manage it!

Looking forward to the blog tour :)

Zoë Marriott said...

Jesse: It is! But...well, it's my job, you know? I just have to get my head down and get on with it!

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