Hello, everyone! Today's post comes to you via
Diana Peterfreund's latest blog. I defy anyone who has EVER written a story with a heroine to resist the procrastinatory delights of the
Heroine Generator game. YOU CAN'T DO IT. Copyedits? Deadlines? Pffft. LOOK AT THE ADORABLE SELECTION OF ACCESSORIES!!!11eleventy.
So I used the website to generate art for each of my heroines. Guys, this is possibly the most fun I've ever *had* picking out clothes. It's insane. Anyway, I present to you... My heroines!
Alexandra of The Swan Kingdom! Note her fancy dress with lacy bits, which has been patched up due to living in the forest with all those cute little animals, plus the rolled up sleeves to allow her to forage for food. I think her hair was probably a bit wilder than this, but I didn't want to end up with her looking like Merida from BRAVE. | | |
Zira from Daughter of the Flames! Again, hair is a bit tidy - plus they wouldn't let me scar up her face. BUT BUT! Doesn't she look like she could kick your butt so comfortably in this outfit? I *want* this outfit. Yeeees. |
Suzume of Shadows on the Moon - or rather Yue, in her fancy incarnation. She's all dressed up for an important do and looking forward to it about as much as I look forward to extensive dental treatment, as you can tell from her expression. Poor Yue! This outfit isn't the slightest bit historically accurate, or even accurate to the book, but it sure was fun to play with. |
Frost! The heroine of FrostFire. She's in her mountain travelling get-up, here. She's a bit clean and tidy (this is a recurring theme for me, isn't it? I do torture my poor creations rather a lot) but I think her wary expression is spot on. |
My final piece of artwork - Mio, heroine of The Night Itself and the best of The Name of the Blade trilogy. Isn't she CUTE? You'd never realise that she's hiding a deadly weapon somewhere on her person, would you? I totally have a crush on my girl after working on this. I can also tell that her best friend Jack helped her pick out everything she's wearing here, because black and purple are Jack's favourite colours. I wish Jack was my best friend, too... |
And now, I bid you farewell, although I'm pretty sure that you're all already rushing off to generate your own artwork anyway. In the meantime I'll go back to my copyedits. In about five minutes, once I've finished this last piece of heroine art...
Can't wait to try this when I get home(stupid office filters!)
Although - please tell me they don't all have to come out tall thin and gorgeous?
Laura: Sadly, there is no option to change body type! Which is annoying, because Frost, especially, is much stronger and more muscular than the programme will allow. But this seems to be linked to Disney in some way, so I suppose realistic body shapes would be too much to ask.
Yes - it is very Disney! That is a real shame. The pose is a bit twee for my herione too!
Still, looks like fun and a good starting place - maybe i'll print one off and amend it!!!!
I want to give them different weapons but all it has is the bow. Why won't it let me give my heroine a sword?
Like you, I wish I could play with the body type. Why can't I have a heroine who's got a few extra pounds?
I love the idea but there aren't enough options for me to create my heroines as I picture them.
Jessica: I am WITH you on the weapon frustration. Why not a nice shiny sword/axe? Dammit.
That thing is majorly addictive! Do you know if there's any way to save them after you've made them? I wanted to show you my (semi-accurate) Falcon's Prey heroine.
Phoenix: I couldn't figure out how to do it on the site, so I used my Snipping Tool, which came free with my software programme. There's usually some form of screen capture on most computers, I think? Basically I took a screenshot of the page with the completed heroine on it, then cut the bit out that I wanted and saved THAT as a jpg. I hope that helps!
I basically spent all of yesterday night messing around with this...
Krispy: Everytime I stopped work for five minutes today I was messing around with it!
Ahhhh thank you for sharing this!!!
Alex: I'm sorry in advance for all the coursework that won't get done while you're playing with this site...
OH wow, that site is amazing! Like others, I wish you could adjust body type (those waists are NOT proportionate) and get better weapons! But it's still super fun! I could see myself spending hours messing around with this.
And eeek! All your heroine's!!! I LOVE them!
Kristen: ditto! I seriously never realised how satisfying fanart was until I made my own!
Have you tried the 'Fantasy character' game on the same site? the faces aren't quite as detailed but the clothes & weapons options are great! Also the character pose is a bit more kick-ass!
Although, white clothes on a white background meant a lot of squinting at the screen and it isn't the easiest to navigate - my first three characters were barefoot as I couldn't find any shoes! (FYI shoes are listed under 'pants' which you will find by clicking on the skirt icon!?!?!?!)
Laura: Sounds like fun, if you can stand the messing around! I'll have a look later :) Thanks.
Damn you, Marriott, damn you! As if I didn't have enough procrastination in my life.... AAAARRRRGGGGHHHH! *goes off to try it immediately* :-)
Lucy: Sorry, sorry! But let's be honest, if you're going to procrastinate... you might as well have FUN doing it. Right?
I found out how to screen-capture my creations and paste them into a Word document (which at least saves them until I can figure out something better to do with them). While I was at it, I used the Warrior generator under "Boys" to make a picture of the Romantic Interest from Falcon's Prey. (He's not actually a warrior, but the build worked...)
I'll probably be spending far more time today than I should messing around on there!
Phoenix: I took my laptop to bed with me and played with the site until I fell asleep last night! You are not alone!
Wow, everything love!! I should try this...
Isabel: Prepare to lose a few hours!
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