The News: I've been speaking with my US editor, and she's told me that the Candlewick Press edition of Shadows on the Moon
In Other News, I am hard at work on the Big Secret Project, and just about managing not to spill all the juicy details to anyone who'll listen. Just. But it's hhaaaarrrrd.
Yesterday I wrote the 101st page and broke thirty thousand words. That's a big milestone for me, as it means I am officially past The Beginning. I believe I have around another sixty thousand words to go, so that's two hundred more pages. My progress metre looks like this:
30242 / 90000 words. 34% done!
Dandy, ain't it?
Normally this is the point where I freak out and start getting stuck, but Big Secret Project is bucking the trend so far. I just love it so much - so, so much! - and I get so excited even thinking about it, that my enthusiasm is carrying me along so far.
Now that I've said this, of course, I'll probably get stuck for two months.
But no matter! Big Secret Project will prevail! And you may - MAY - get another tiny teaser to chew on next week. Stand by.
In Other Other News, we are approaching the one year anniversary of this blog. Which is a very exciting thing, since I had doubts, when I started, that I would manage to find something to blog about for one month. I'm planning unprecedented levels of awesomeness to coincide with this momentous occasion, and will reveal more when the time comes.
Finally, today I am drinking tea out of my lucky red mug, and wearing my lucky tiger t-shirt. I have also braided my hair. Let's hope these mystical preparations serve to leap me over the Middle Muddle and directly into Big Secret Project's good stuff. See you on the other side, kids!
That is all.
I'm glad you're happy!
Have you got an idea when your Secret Prroject will be finished? :) I'm not sure why it's saying I'm anonymous, lol
I hope I'll have finished it before the end of this year, at the latest. But it'll depend largely on how FrostFire edits go, and various other factors like that. Er...who are you, Anonymous?
Zoe: LOL, that's what I was going to ask!
I can't wait for the teaser! Hope the lucky mug brings luck!
Ergh, it didn't. I'm going to give myself a day to relax and breathe tomorrow (see, I practise what I preach!) and hopefully pick up again on Sunday. Thanks for asking!
Anonymous is Rebecca Lindsay. I posted through Google but the last couple of times it's come up anonymous. I think it's a problem with Google because I've tried to post this five times and it's only working if comment as anoymous. Weird, lol. Good luck with your writing, I can't wait for your next book to come out! :)
Oh, thanks Rebecca! I think it's happening to a lot of people - everyone on Twitter is always complaining about Blogger these days. Let's hope they get their act together soon.
My Blogger is working fine. But this has been going on for ages. I wonder what's wrong.
Yeah, it's sporadic. One day this person can update their account normally while twelve other people are locked out. The next day all the comments are messed up. The next day it's fine again. Very frustrating!
Rebecca: I was having that problem too! :( But it will get sorted out, don't worry.
Zoe: Hurrah!!! I'm frankly jealous that your writing is going so smoothly -- but I find it inspiring as well! Keep it up! I would make one of those handy chart thingies for my book but frankly I have no idea what my word goal should be... eh, doesn't matter much, we'll just have to wait and see. :)
Prepare yourself for a horror story. This happened to me. THIS IS BAD NEWS, PEOPLE!
I was writing something, and I wrote about 800 words. It was awesome. I wrote all that in fifteen minutes! I felt it could even be the start to a new story for me, because it was so unique... And then, it said that Word needs to close. And it closed. And all my work, in an instant, GONE.
What a tragic event. I feel SO sad...
Isabel: Don't be too jealous. As predicted, as soon as I wrote that, I got stuck! I'm hoping I'll be able to get back on track today.
Megha: Oh, that is horrible. It happened to me several times on my old laptop - once I lost about three months work and just wanted to die. I'm so sorry. All I can say is that quite often when you reconstruct work that you lost like that, it turns out to be even better than before. So don't despair.
Zoe: Yeah, it is. I kind of can't bring myself to rewrite that. It's going to be so different. But I'm going to try, in case, like you said, it turns out even better,
Zoe, how decide that the book will be of 90,000 words? What if you want to write more?
Megha: I know it's terrible, but once you start you'll find, probably, that you remember a surprising amount. Don't let this stop you. You can get past it.
Borky: After I'd written a few books. I started getting a 'feel' for how many words it might take to complete the story that I'd planned. However, I'm wrong as often as I'm right. I just have the word goal because it's something to work towards.
I just finished The Demon's Covenant. I read 204 pages since Friday!!! And it. was. AMAZING. OHHH MYYY GOSHHH.
I NEED The Demon's Surrender RIGHT NOW. And I am totally in love with Nick. Don't care what you say. x-(
I'm going to go do my review on Goodreads. THANKS SO MUCH FOR THE RECOMMENDATION ZOE!!!! AHHH!!!!!!
I hope the writing goes well for you on your Secret Project! ;)
If you wanted to ask me questions again, I'm always available! Except maybe you should use my other e-mail as the one I gave you is going to be purged soon... =(. It's:
- Krystle -
Thanks, Krystle! I'll make a note of your new email, and if I have any more pressing questions, I'll get in touch.
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