Friday, 10 February 2012


Happy Friday, Dear Readers! A very happy Friday for me, actually - I've just realised that FrostFire is now available for pre-order on Amazon at long last. Hurray!

The cover isn't there yet, but there's a different version of the plot synopsis and you can see that it's 464 pages long - my second longest book, after Shadows on the Moon. And you can pre-order it! Look, there's a button right there and everything! Don't you wanna? Don't you want to spread the word and tell all your friends!? Clickety click! (Anymore exclamation marks and they're going to take my ! key away, so I'll stop now). Ahem.

I checked The Book Depository but unfortunately it's not there yet. I'll keep an eye on that and post a link when it is.

In the meantime, a Katana Trilogy book #2 related question: which are more scary/unnerving - bat wings or moth wings?


Alex Mullarky said...

Moth wings I reckon, because bat wings sounds like a familiar 'evil witch' kinda phrase. :) YAY for preorders!

Jenni said...

Brilliant news about the preorders :)

Moth wings are definitely more unnerving 'cos they fly right up close to you and feel very strange if they flutter against your skin whereas bats keep their distance.

Zoë Marriott said...

Alex & Jenni: Ah, that was what I figured - I'm glad it's not just me being weird!

whispering words said...

Congrats on the pre-orders Zoe! :) and I agree with the others, Moth wings are much more creepy! I could sleep with a bat in my room but any sign of a bigger than average moth then I'm downstairs on the sofa!

Zoë Marriott said...

Whispering: Thanks! And I'm really glad that I thought to ask now - instinct told me moth, but for some reason I thought I *ought* to go with bat. Just shows that you should always follow your instincts!

Shelby said...

Moth wings...they have a kind of ethereal beauty, like a ghost.
Vongratlations, by the way!

Zoë Marriott said...

Thanks, Shelby - and I think that ethereal, ghostly beauty is probably the way to go :)

A said...

Yay, will be pre-ordering soon :D
And definately moth wings, moths freak me out so much I can barely even look at pictures of them without shuddering!

Zoë Marriott said...

Amy: Gosh, I really had no idea that moths were such a hot button for so many people!

Rebecca Lindsay said...

Whoop, that's getting ordered! :D
Definately moth wings.

Zoë Marriott said...

Rebecca: Hee :) Nice to hear.

Isabel said...

MOTH WINGS. Oh my goodness. I'm creeped out already.

Also, congratulations! Now it's one step closer to becoming an actual book! :)

Zoë Marriott said...

Isabel: You know, I expected a split vote on this but it seems like moths really do creep EVERYONE out. So strange!

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