Thursday, 2 August 2012


Hello, hello, hello! Thursday is upon us and that means it is only two days until the fateful Saturday when I will hopefully be meeting some of my Lovely Readers for the very first time. Eeeee!

Just to recap: The Summer Scream Event at Foyles (in Charing Cross in London) is my first public event with other authors, and I will be doing a panel and then a signing alongside really amazing fellow YA writers Michelle Harrison (UNREST), L.A. Weatherly (ANGEL, ANGEL FIRE) and Karen Mahoney (THE IRON WITCH, THE WOOD QUEEN).

Our panel will be from 2pm-3pm. Later there will be another panel and signing with authors Laura Warburton (A WITCH IN LOVE, A WITCH IN WINTER), Laura Powell (BURN MARK) and Thomas Taylor (DAN AND THE DEAD).

I'm very excited about this! Living, as I do, in the farflung wilderness of the north, I don't get the chance to do many events, or meet many of my readers. And I'm especially thrilled that so many friends I know from online have pledged to come. I cannot *wait* to meet you guys.

I have a new dress! I have blue tights! I have a box of swag ready to give out to anyone who stands still long enough!

But I also have two simple rules for anyone coming to this event. Failure to comply will result in me throwing a tantrum of truly fantastical proportions. There will be screaming, arm-flailing, heel-drumming and possibly even foaming at the mouth. You don't want to see it. Trust me. You will be traumatised for life. So PAY ATTENTION.

Rule Number One:

If you are a Dear Reader or an online friend person? YOU WILL APPROACH AND INTRODUCE YOURSELF. Oh, yes you will. Yes you will.

You're all going to know which one is me because they're going to introduce me. Plus my face is up there on the event poster. But I'm not going to know who you are unless we've met before, which 90% of the time we have not. So I'm helpless to seek you out. Do not make me helpless. Do not lurk at the back of the room feeling unsure of your welcome. Do not Tweet or comment a week later to say that you were there all along but that you didn't know if I would want to be bothered. I do want to be bothered. I live to be bothered. Bother me! SAY HELLO TO MEEEEEE.
Rule Number Two:

Tell me your online name first.

I mean, if your name is Sarah-Beth and your online name is Sarah-Beth37, great, not an issue. But if you have been chatting to me for a year under the name HermioneGraingerOK and then you bounce up to me and say 'Hey! It's Janice!' I will be confused and bewildered and give you the polite handshake, and you will walk away sadly thinking 'Oh, I suppose I'm just one of her legion of fans and she doesn't really care about me...' I DO CARE ABOUT YOU. In fact, I want to give you a huge hug, because I don't have a legion of fans and even if I did I would still love each one like I love fluffy baby kittens. But I'm not psychic. Online names first. Then tell me your real name. I can't promise I'll remember not to call you HermioneGraingerOK for the rest of the event (because I am somewhat senile like that) but I can certainly promise that it will be a pleasure to meet you. You are the reason I am there in the first place. Capiche?


I am very much looking forward to seeing you, my duckies. If you do not like hugs you might want to wear a sticker saying that in a prominent place on your body so that I get the idea, because I plan on physically snuggling as many people as they let me before someone threatens to call the police. Make a note...


Rachel Balcombe said...

I literally laughed reading this entire post. I will come and say hi, but I will also be incredibly socially awkward at the same time. Don't believe me? Ian McKellan was once on the train I used to get to college. I wanted to say hi, so I went and sat down opposite him, trying to build up the courage. Then, when we arrived at my station, I left.

But thinking about it, I will be more likely to completely fangirl over meeting you. Seriously. There may be screaming.

Quick question: will we have to buy books there in order to get them signed, or can we bring books with us? I know it's probably the former, but I just wanted to check on protocol. First time meeting an author ever! XD

Tamsyn Murray said...

I've met all of your fellow panellists and they are all officially GORGEOUS. You're going to have a brilliant time :)

Essjay said...

Have a lovely day! I shall be there in spirit *sobs into hankie*

Zoë Marriott said...

Rachel: Don't worry - all the socially awkward are welcome at my table. I am the awkwardest and most clumsy of them all, so you will look good in comparison.

The event details don't mention anything about having to buy books to get them signed, and no one has mentioned that stipulation to me, but I would maybe email the store to double-check.

Tam: *Sigh of relief* Oh good, then they won't throw me out for overly enthusiastic hugging or clumsiness.

Essjay: Thank you! I will give Liz an extra hug on your behalf.

AmieSalmon said...

I'm going to pack my confidence in my bag, and bother bother bother you! :) I am sooo excited.

Zoë Marriott said...

Amie: Eeeexcellent.

A said...

Haha I don't mind being glomped :) I

Also, I have been to an author event before and almost everyone took their own books if that's anything to go on :)

Zoë Marriott said...

Amy: Well, that sounds right - I know in the U.S. you usually have to buy from the store, but that doesn't seem to be as common in the UK yet.

I will be limbering up my glomping muscles...

Isabel said...

This post kind of made my day. Wish I could be there! Have a great time!!

Zoë Marriott said...

Isabel: Thank you. Maybe one day I will reach a Maggie Stiefvater level of success and can tour worldwide. Then you WILL get to be there...

Rachel Balcombe said...

I emailed them as you suggested, and they said it's ok to bring our own copies. Now, to find a bag big enough to carry them all...

Zoë Marriott said...

Rachel: Yay! Well done :)

Raimy from Readaraptor Hatchling said...

I read this after the event… but I'm so glad you knew who I was! haha! It was great hun and you were as wacky (in a good way) and awesome as I thought you'd be!

Zoë Marriott said...

Raimy: Well, because you're so naturally gorgeous (dang it), you happily put your picture online. Some of my Dear Readers are a bit shyer with the pics, sadly :) So lovely to see you! I just wanted to hug everyone forever and gossip and natter. I mean, it was great that the whole event was so insanely busy and everyone wanted books signed and things, but I was also kind of sad because it meant I didn't get to hang with you and the other marvellous blogger-friends. Maybe next time...

Robin said...

Your ending graphic made me laugh out loud. :) I hope everything went well on Saturday!

Zoë Marriott said...

Robin: It did, thank you! I'm writing it up tomorrow, so I'll dish all the details then :)

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