Wednesday 13 November 2013


So, has everyone seen the official poster for the film version of Veronica Roth's DIVERGENT? I really loved the book. I read it way before it came out, after being lucky enough to win an ARC from the author's blog (which I still have, and much treasured it is, especially since Veronica filled it with wonderful notes that gave insight into her writing process). There's controversy surrounding the novel, and controversy surrounding the film and its casting, but I've been pretty much willing to keep an open mind about it. Until this:


So... this is a film about a young hero, and her journey to both physical and emotional strength. About her battle to reconcile basic decency and kindness with courage and necessary ruthlessness. About the terrible things human beings do to one another, and about freeing your mind from preconcieved notions and prejudice and daring to think for yourself.

And this is what Summit Entertainment give us for the film poster. "Hi! My name is Tris Prior - but my love interest there, the guy with the giant gun? He is clearly more important than I am, since he's right at the front of my poster. In order to show that I'm not one of those awful, unsympathetic, domineering women, I'm going to stand behind him, completely unarmed, with my back to you, while coyly looking over my shoulder. But enough about ME! The important thing here is that you can clearly see my boobs AND my butt! Do you like my butt? They lit it specially, defying all the normal laws of light and shadow, and placed it at the exact centre point of this poster!"

I don't know what the film is going to be like. But I do know that this is an awful poster. Egregiously bad. Exasperatingly terrible. This is not the poster that DIVERGENT should have. This is a poster for some other film about a boy and his giant gun, and his girlfriend with the shiny bum. Here. I fixed it:

Much better.


Alex Mullarky said...

Ha! Nicely done Zoe

Alex Mullarky said...

Had to comment again because I can't stop giggling. Amirite, fellas?

maya said...

Oh my god, that is EXACTLY what I thought when I saw the poster on twitter yesterday! It's like, the guy (I presume he's Four) is at the front looking all manly while Tris, THE MAIN CHARACTER, is in the background sticking her bum and boobs out! Grr. I think it would be a much better poster if Tris was crouching at the front and Four wasn't even on it.

Great post, Zoë!

Sally@Always Lost in Stories said...

Hate that poster! (That's not really the final one is it?!) Blah! I am equal parts annoyed and snorting with laughter at your post Zoe!

Zoë Marriott said...

Thanks everyone. And yes, this is the final, official poster. Girl in the background in an uncomfortable boob/bum pose, boy in the front with a gun. Gah.

Unknown said...

rather like what Sony did to City of Bones posters, they "sexualised" the characters no matter that that isn't the point of the books. They seem to think that if the actors look somewhat sexy on the poster that the film will sell better than if they'd done the story justice. sigh. Clearly the marketing people didn't do their research.

Lynsey Newton said...

I definitely agree with you on this one, Zoe - the poster should have Tris front and centre. Also, I remember you loaning me that book and I will always be grateful for that *hugs*

Zoë Marriott said...

Katheryn: Too right! Clary might have gained strength and confidence by the end of City of Bones, but I don't remember her becoming a leather-clad dominatrix wannabe. Nor was Isabel (despite being a sexually active young woman) solely defined as a sexpot in the books. Gah.

Lynsey: I remember! When we spread the booklove, everyone wins :) *Hugs back*

Isabel said...

This is hilarious!! I am v. disappointed with that poster though. Hopefully it doesn't reflect the quality of the movie!!

~ Mari said...

especially since Veronica filled it with wonderful notes that gave insight into her writing process

What a cool idea!

ps - that poster is awful! yours is hilarious! <3 it! :D

Zoë Marriott said...

Isabel: I think everyone is hoping that! Fingers crossed.

Mari: That was one of the reasons I was most psyched to win it, even before DIVERGENT became the huge world-wide bestseller that it is.

Sarah said...

This is the first time I've seen the posted & it sucks! I was planning on watching the movie but I'm beginning to wonder of it'll even be worth the cost of a ticket if they're going to screw it up as badly as they did the poster :-(

Zoë Marriott said...

Sarah G: I still have some hope, but I've felt a bit worried about it since they cast a white guy as Four, even though the book says he's biracial. This puts the cherry on top. *Sigh*

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