Monday, 20 January 2014


Hello, oh ducky darlings! Happy Monday, and I hope you all had a lovely weekend.

Today's message doesn't amount to all that much - it's basically to let you know that (fingers crossed and with any luck) there ought to be some very, very, veeeery exciting stuff for me to share sometime this week. If the planning at my publisher goes pear-shaped it might be next week, but I'm holding out for this one.

I cannot tell you much at this stage, but I think I'm safe to share that it's related to Darkness Hidden and to (le gasp!) cover art. Mua ha ha ha ha! Ahem. There ought to be multiple precious blogger-pals involved, some sneak peaks at the first chapter of the book, and other STUFF. Good stuff.

In the meantime, I'm ploughing on - extremely slowly - with the final Name of the Blade trilogy book. There's so much high tension, drama, and emotion that it's starting to feel like opening a vein every time I sit down to scribble something. I've got a strange chesty cough and my voice has gone to nothing, which is probably from all the crying. I'm typing this with a mug of tea with honey and lemon clutched in one hand, and a wrist brace and fingerless glove wrapped around the other because I seem to have gotten a repetitive strain injury from all the longhand work I've been doing.

Send me some good vibes, Dear Readers, and I'll make sure I get this done for you.


A said...

Ooooh looking forward to the excitement! Take care :) *sends good vibes*

Isabel said...

Super excited for all the news!!! Good luck on your writing!

Zoë Marriott said...

Thanks Isobel and Maya :)

Unknown said...

Hey me and my friends have recently read your book 'frostfire ' and we were wondering if you ever wanted to make a book about it ?? Your book is SO GOOD !! You should publish it to a producer

Zoë Marriott said...

Charlotte: I've got your and your friends' email, and I think I'm going to do a blogpost to reply to you properly. Probably next week, OK? I'll reply to the email, too :)

Unknown said...

thankyou xx if you reply on my email I can get back to you sooner xx

Jesse Owen said...

This all sounds very exciting (and I hope you feel better soon!!!)

Zoë Marriott said...

Thanks, Jesse :)

Pam Bustin said...

All the good vibes winging your way!

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