A round up for you, today, of the stuff going on in the Zolah area of the blogosphere. First, I wrote this guest post about Why Fairytales Are Magic for Ashley and Misty's Fairytale Fortnight.
Second, Misty and Ashley are running this fabtastic giveaway of signed and personalised copies of The Swan Kingdom and (drumroll please!) one of the very last ARCs of Shadows on the Moon. Enter now!
On Wednesday my letter for the wonderful Dear Teen Me website went up, and you can read that here.
Yesterday Ashley posted a very insightful, lovely review of The Swan Kingdom here.
And Shadows on the Moon
There will be more interesting stuff from Fairytale Fortnight next week, and I'll keep you posted on that.
On Monday, the Muses willing, I may be able to post a teaser from FF for you.
Have a great weekend everyone!
Ha ha! I'm glad to see that you realise how momentous it is - this is a completely different book now, so it'll be your first glimpse at it.
Oh my Gosh, Zoe, THIS IS SO EXCITING!!! I can't tell you how happy I am for you about FF. You certainly worked extremely hard on it, and I can't wait to get a sneak peek at the hopefully almost final product! :)
I've entered in the giveaway for TSK and SOTM!!! Wish me luck! I can't wait to read Shadows. I know it will be AMAZING. I'll be sure to post a review on Goodreads when I do finally get to read it. :) Congrats on the 350 adds. That is a lot!
Hopefully I will be able to read that review soon. Congratulations to you, Zoe! XD
Er, Zoe, check this out: https://docs.google.com/leaf?id=0B0VsDJaGgkqqMTYyNjYyMmYtZDJiZi00ZjdiLWIyM2QtYTgwYzkzNjIxOGIy&sort=name&layout=list&num=50
OK, I recorded it (I am CRAZY). I am so strange. It's from Phineas & Ferb which I USED TO love.
Good luck, Isabel! I really do hope that you win for once.
Megha: I clicked on the link, but it told me the document was unavailable :(
Oooh, one of your followers is Josephine Angelini! ;) I entered in the giveaway for Starcrossed but didn't win. :( (What a surprise! Not really.) I hadn't expected to, anyway.
I know! I'm thrilled - but I've talked to her on twitter quite a lot and she's absolutely lovely.
BTW, The Hundred Thousand Kingdoms is great so far! Thanks so much for recommending it. :) I told you I'd like it!
Phew! I'm relieved!
LOL. My sister won't let me read Entangled, though, because it's "too inappropriate". I'm very upset. She says I would hate it otherwise -- that it was very bad. But I wish she would just let me give it a shot! :(
Huh. I'm kinda shocked by that. Maybe it's because there's some swearing in Entangled - but there's much more *adult* stuff in The Hundred Thousand Kingdoms, simply because it's an *adult* book, whereas Entangled is YA.
I KNOW RIGHT?!? I was talking/moaning to Isabel yesterday about her sister not letting her read it :( I finished it in less than 24 hours (this morning, actually! What a coincy-dinc) and even though there may be SOME things mature for me (I'm only eleven!!), it is a FABULOUS book!
Zoe, who do you think Ethan was? I think he was Grace's father, only because he hummed that tune and said Grace quite a lot. I really wanted to find out... but cliffhangers are sometimes okay too, I guess. I don't know, maybe he was a reincarnation of Grace's dad? It's a weird thought, but I *really* wanted to find out who he was...
OMG - Spoilers, Megha, spoilers! Argh! It's a good job Izzie's NOT reading it, now.
And I wondered if really he was a part of Grace herself - the part that loved Grace rather than the self-destructive part that had led her astray. If he was something to do with her dad, maybe he was more like an angel, some part of him that returned to her.
Hmm... YES, yes! WOW! Like, the subconscious mind or something... Nice thinking, Zoe! (You have made my day.)
LOL -- it's okay, I actually glanced at your comment before Megha's, Zoe, so I'm not spoiled, whether I get to read it anytime soon or not! ;) Although for, like, ten seconds I was completely confused as to who Izzie was. Nobody has called me that since preschool! (It's okay -- really, I don't mind. :))
My sister usually has the same reading taste as I do, and usually she's pretty lenient about whether a book is too inappropriate for me or not. I don't know about whether she would let me read The Hundred Thousand Kingdoms or not -- if she got to read it before me (evil laugh). I didn't know it was an adult book! I thought is was YA!
P.S. You may think it's odd that my sister is the one with say over these things -- since she's the one who reads the same books I do, and usually has pretty reasonable judgement, she can make the decision and tell my mom or dad if she thinks that a shouldn't read it.
Ooops - sorry! That's nearly what I call my niece (her name is Esme, but we call her Ezzie) so it sort of slipped out.
I did *tell* you that that the 100K was adult! I warned you! Remember, I said that if you found it disturbing you needed to make sure you had someone to talk about it with, and - and - oh dear...well, maybe talk to your sister about it. And I think it's lovely that your sister cares, and is involved. The Curse of Chalion is an adult book as well, BTW.
LOL, you can call me Izzie if you want. Megha calls me Is all the time. ;)
I remember that you said that it had some adult stuff in it. You gave me fair warning -- it's fine. I'm really enjoying it and not finding it disturbing in the least! Don't worry about it. :)
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