Hello, Dear Readers - here's wishing you a glorious, lazy Sunday. To add to your enjoyment, I bring you today's link to the FRAIL HUMAN HEART Blogtour - and it's another completely exclusive deleted scene, written just for you and never released before!
The deleted scene is being hosted by my wonderful and precious blogger friend Laura, at SisterSpooky, so head over there pronto - but beware that the scene in question is a teeeeny bit spoilery, offering insight into Mio and Shinobu's mysterious pasts (ooooh!).
Here's a round-up of the Blogtour so far, in case you're just now boarding the NAME OF THE BLADE train, or if you just missed a day somewhere for whatever reason:
Day #1, Pewterwolf - Snippet from the book
Day #2, KitKatscanRead - Snippet from the book
Day #3, Feeling Fictional - Snippet from the book
Day #4, Teens on Moon Lane - Snippet from the book
Day #5, The Reader's Corner, Jack & Hikaru Deleted Scene - major spoilers!
Day #6, Luna's Little Library, Hikaru Deleted Scene - not really spoilery
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