Thursday, 8 September 2016


Hello, my cupcakes - and happy Thursday. I hope the world's been treating you well so far this week. I've been a bit unwell over the past few days, hence why this post is rather short. I'm basically nipping back to make an appeal to all Dear Readers and blogger-pals. It goes a little like this:

If you've read BAREFOOT ON THE WIND - whether that's because you bought a copy or were sent one for review - and you have any thoughts or feelings about it, I would *love* it if you would head over to Amazon and post a review. 

If you've already written a review for your blog or Goodreads - and there have been some simply fantastic reviews, insightful, funny and generous - just copy and paste that. Otherwise, a line or two that sums up your feelings would be great (though don't let me stop you from going the whole hog). It doesn't have to be long. It doesn't even have to be positive, if you have a different perspective to offer. But having a number of reviews on an Amazon page really can make the world of difference to a book's sales, not just on Amazon but all over the internet and in the real world - people often flick there first before making their mind up, and if it seems that others are talking about the book, it may motivate readers to check it out now. And believe me, both I and this weirdo little Feminist story really do need that boost.

So that's my appeal: please review if you can find the time and spoons to do it.

Later on, after I've got my author copies of this book (and have a bit of my energy back) I will most likely reward reviewers by doing a giveaway of some kind, with swag and maybe other nice things. But right now I'm just asking you to do it from the goodness of your hearts if you feel that you can.

Love and snuggles to you all, my crumpets. Next week I shall be posting over on Author Allsorts about my favourite poem (which, to no one's surprise, is actually several poems) and will link across from here for ease of finding. Any questions or potential blog topics to offer? Throw them in the comments.

Read you later!


Unknown said...

Just came home from long flight yesterday to find this gorgeousness waiting on the doormat, so excited to read tonight!!!! ^_^

Zoë Marriott said...

Yay! I hope you enjoy it, Kimberley! x

Anonymous said...

It may be 2 more weeks before my book arrives, so I'll post a review after that.

Zoë Marriott said...

That will be very much appreciated, Lesley - I hope your book arrives on time, and you enjoy it :)

A said...

I wrote a review on my blog! Will be adding it to Amazon shortly! :)

Zoë Marriott said...

Thank you, Amy! It's very much appreciated. xx

A said...

You're welcome! I've put it on Amazon now with 5 stars! :)

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