Saturday 26 June 2010


I'm just going to reiterate the points made in the vid above in case, you know, I talked too fast or my English accent was too confusing for anyone. So:

The list of goodies to be given away will include,
  • A signed and customised copy of The Swan Kingdom
  • A signed and customised copy of Daughter of the Flames
  • Pretty bookplates, signed by me
  • Chapter One of Shadows on the Moon - the first few pages of this are already on my website, but this will be the full first chapter, which no one but my editor and agent have seen
  • Playlist CD of my writing music
  • Various other goodies
The contest will be open to EVERYONE no matter where in the world you are. And to enter? Well, it couldn't be simpler. Here is the points system (as suggested by the lovely Saya of The Rock Pool):

+ 1 if you post about this giveaway on Facebook or Twitter, Bebo, MySpace, YouTube (etc) and link back here
+ 2 if you post the contest on your own blog and link back
+ 3 if you become a follower of this blog

ETA: it's been brought to my attention that I've neglected to mention how many points you receive if you subscribe to my YouTube Channel. That's an additional +3, and it doesn't even hurt or anything!

Gather as many shiny points as you can! You must comment on this post, tell me what you've done and show your links, my pretties. Don't miss out on the awesome.

This competition is open for ONE WEEK. Entries will be drawn from the hat NEXT SATURDAY.

Well, what are you waiting for? Have at it!


Saya said...

Okay I just wanted to be the first person to comment! Hearing you say 'internetz' (it WAS with a 'z', right?) cracked me up.

I will come back later with a points tally!

Zoë Marriott said...

Yes, it was internetz. I find it amusing (but I edited out my little snigger at the end). Also interwebz - I might say that in my next video...

Thanks for commenting!

bookaholic said...

+3 I am an old follower
+1 I Tweeted-
+2 Sidebar link- (under 'Contests in the right sidebar)

Thank you so much for this lovely contest!! I so so so want to win this one! So madly,badly,truly,desperately want to win!! *begs* :)

Saya said...

I almost want Bookaholic to win more than I want myself. Almost.

I feel like saying, 'Bookaholic, if you can get 10 people to enter saying 'Bookaholic sent me', you get another ten entries'. That isn't a hint, btw, Zoe! It's fangirl sympathy.

The life of a fangirl is hard.

You should have kept the snigger!

Zoë Marriott said...

No need to beg: six shiny entries are already in the hat, Bookaholic! You've got as many chances as anyone can possibly have.

Zoë Marriott said...

I know how she feels, Saya - I'm in the same position on the AngelFire competition myself right now!

Bookaholic: if you can manage to do what Saya says....I will *think of something* (she says mysteriously). Okay? But you don't have to, like I said, you already have six entries.

Saya said...

AngelFire competition? Do I want to know about this?

I've got so much fangirling excitement right now that I might DIE - so many books, so little time! (ARTEMIS FOWL SOON)

Sorry, comment-hogging, I'll stop now. You're in our Links sidebar, too, now! I really enjoyed yesterday's post.

kehs said...

I don't have a blog but have posted 2 links on seperate threads of I also linked to you on my facebook profile - but don't know how to post the link. I'm so dumb when it comes to stuff like this. Oh, and I've long been a follower of your website and now of your blog too.

Do I have enough points . . . please!

Zoë Marriott said...

Yes, Saya - if you go back a couple of posts there's a link to it. It's under JUST A MINI-POST.

Zoë Marriott said...

Hi Kehs - I think that counts as maximum points, yes! No worries.

Rob said...

Hey there.

I subscribed (+3 did you say?), am now following your blog (+3) and posted the competition details on myspace which has over 1400 friends (+1).

Fingers crossed =]

Zoë Marriott said...

Right-oh, Rob. I hope your sister appreciates all this effort on your part!

Lyndsey OHalloran said...

Hey! Im following your blog so thats 3 entries!

Thats my blog with contact info just incase I do win!

Linz x

Sara said...

Hey Zoe! :) I have a copy of THE SWAN KINGDOM, but I need DAUGHTER OF THE FLAMES and that first chapter, so, of course, I must enter!

+ 1 Tweet:
+ 2 Blog Post:
+ 3 Follower

Thanks :)
Sara @ The Hiding Spot

tetewa said...

I became a follower, count me in!

Christa said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Christa said...

+ 1 if you post about this giveaway
+ 2 if you post the contest on your own blog and link back
+ 3 if you become a follower of this blog
Google Friend: Christa

Thanks for the giveaway. : ) It led me to find your blog & writings. Awesome! I think I'm going to have to add Daughter of the Flames (at least!) to my wishlist... : )

ambience.of.rain {at}

Rob said...

Haha, me too! :P

Shanyn said...

Heard about this from Sara @ The Hiding Spot! :)

+3 became a follower
+1 Twitter:

Thank you for the giveaway!
shanynlee at

Cielo Azul said...

Hi Zoe!
Great Contest! I need read your books!! I have fingers crossed!!

+1 Post in Facebook:

+2 Link in the blog (left sidebar):

+3 I follow this blog


Luck to all!!

Best regards


Melanie said...

+3 New blog follower
+ 1 Tweet

I think I need to add your books to my wishlist. :D

Thanks for this great giveaway and good luck to all!


Sarah said...

Hi Zoe! I heard about your contest from Sara of The Hiding Spot. Both of your books sound fascinating and I'd love the chance to read them. Particularly The Swan Kingdom. Thank you so much for the giveaway!

+3 New follower
+3 I subscribed to your channel
+2 I linked this to my sidebar here,

Thanks for being awesome!
Sarah L
two_of_hearts_101 at yahoo dot com

Cass said...

+3 New follower
+3 subscribed to your channel (cassbananana)
+2 linked to my giveaways page:
+1 retweet

Cass said...

Also, thanks for the great contest!


Martha Lawson said...

I would love to win this awesome contest!

I am a new follower on gfc

mlawson17 at hotmail dot com

Anonymous said...

I would love to win!
+ 1 tweeted
+ 3 follower


EVA SB said...

Great Giveaway - please count me in.

+ 1 I tweeted
+2 I posted to my sidebar
+3 I'm a follower
+3 I subscribe on Youtube evasblack[@]gmail[.]com

Alessandra said...

Hi, please enter me, too :)

+1 tweeted about the contest here:
+2 posted about it here:
+3 I'm a new follower
+3 subscribed to your Youtube channel as aleperon83


Zoë Marriott said...

Wow, LOTS of entries since I went to bed last night! Thanks for participating, everyone.

EVA SB: Your subscription on YouTube hasn't shown up yet, but I'll keep my eye out for it and add the extra three points when it does.

Good luck to all!

Darlyn said...

Oh please please please I want to win this!I just happened to come across your blog and this is totally a cool giveaway!

+1 tweeted about the contest here:

+1 posted about it on Facebook:!/w.noorazlinda?v=wall&story_fbid=132873016733522&ref=mf

+3 I'm a new follower

+2 link to my blog under contest/giveaways

thanks so much for giving us the opportunity to win this! You rock!

darlyn225 at gmail dot com

Chel said...

Wee~! Thanks for the awesome giveaway! 8D

+3 blog follower

royce_a13 @

Anonymous said...

Been directed here by Saya, so out of my Hermit's cave of revision to enter~ You really don't talk fast at all by the way, and oh my, what an amazing giveway list this is!

+1 - FB status(

+2 - on my blog

and finally, +3, I'll become a follower of this blog as soon as I find the darned button. ;~;

P.S a couple of entries too late, but I vote your red hat. It's so "Great-Gatsby-ish" :D

Zoë Marriott said...

Darlyn, Anne and Ryuuoh-Elf - entries counted!

I'm definitely leaning toward the red hat. The only problem is that it's the smallest one, and at this rate there won't be enough room for all the entries. Le Gasp!

Krystalyn Drown said...

Please enter me. I am a follower. =) +3

Caitlin said...

Thank you so so much for the chance to win!!! And your blog looks great! :D

+3 I'm a follower :)

YA Book Queen said...

Thanks so much for having such a great contest!

+3 new follower :)

Sharli said...

Thank you so much for the giveaway!! I'm new to your blog but I'm loving it :D

+3 New follower (hi!)
+1 Tweet:
+2 Sidebar link:

entrelibros_blog at

Gaby G said...

Yay! Thanks for this great contest! :)

+ 1 tweet:

+ 3 new follower

+ 3 subscribe to your YouTube Channel: magabygc

magabygc AT

Noemí said...

Hello Zoe,

I want to participate in this contest:


+3 YOUTUBE : “noemisapi”
+3 FOLLOWER OF YOUR BLOG: Nick: Mandarina
URL Blogger:


Total: 10

See you soon ;)

Noemí said...

in link I write: "Zoe Contest"

Jenny N. said...

Happy Blogoversary! I havent read your books yet so would love to win a copy.

+1 Tweeted:

+3 Just became a blog follower

+3 New youtube subscriber (username: jen4777)


Spav said...

Happy blogiversary!

+1 Tweet:
+2 Blog Post:
+3 Blog follower
+3 Youtube Subscriber: Pakis06


heather said...

Happy Blogoversary
I am a follower +3
and I tweeted this +1
and subscribed on youtube: HeatherVanmoer+3

~The Book Pixie said...

Happy blogoversary and thanks for this awesome giveaway! I've been wanting to read your books for quite some time now. :D

+1 Facebook:!/profile.php?id=695450277&v=wall&story_fbid=105539836163129

+2 Sidebar:

+3 Blog follower


Broadway Gal said...

+1 Twitter:

+2 Blog Post:

+3 Blog Follower: Amber Rose

+3 YouTube Subscriber: broadwayforever88

buddyt said...

+3 I have joined as a Google Follower.

Thanks for opening the giveaway to International entries.

Much appreciated.

Carol T

buddytho {at} gmail DOT com

Zoë Marriott said...

buddyt, Broadway Girl, The Book Pixie, Heather Vanmoer, Spav, Jenny N, Mandarina, Gaby, Sharli, Lea, Caitlin, KrysteyBelle - thanks for entering, you guys. Your points are noted and your names are in the hat. Good luck!

Jasmine1485 said...


I'm a new follower via Google (Jasmine1485)

Kate1485 at

Emma said...

I'm also subscribed to your youtube channel (as the idiotic eirancollins) if I can hog a few more points there! hehe.

Also facebook link -!/profile.php?id=545274540

And blog -

And I'm a very happy subscriber!


Cherry said...

Please count me in!!

I follow your blog and my Google Friend Connect name is Cherry.

Re-posted your contest at:



MySpace: (at my update box)

I've subscribed to your YouTube and my YouTube handle is mischiefcherry.

Cherry Mischievous
mischivus101-warrior [at] yahoo [dot] com

Kulsuma said...

Count me in!

I'm a google friend+3

Zoë Marriott said...

Kaya, Cherry, Jasmine1485, your entries have been added up and put in the hat. And I've added three new ones for you, Emma! Good luck, everyone.

Julie S said...

+ 3 if you become a follower of this blog


throuthehaze said...

+3 follow your blog (Throuthehaze)
+3 Youtube subscriber (Raelena Throuthehaze)

throuthehaze at gmail dot com

Haku said...

thank you so much, please enter me.

+ 1 if you post about this giveaway on Facebook!/posted.php?id=130467126976819&share_id=138347432843890&comments=1#s138347432843890
+ 1 if you post about this giveaway on Twitter
+ 1 if you post about this giveaway on Sidebar
+ 3 if you become a follower of this blog: simply_haku

Zoë Marriott said...

Haku, throuthehaze and Julie, your points have been tallied and entered. Best of luck.

Aik said...

+1 I posted about this giveaway on Twitter

+2 I posted the contest on my blog

+3 I'm a follower of this blog

+3 Youtube subscriber (eggyaik)

aikychien at yahoo dot com

Zoë Marriott said...

Nine entries in the hat, Aik. Good luck and thanks for commenting.

Lisa (starmetal_oak) said...

I want to enter!

+3 subscribe to youtube (starmetaloak)
+3 am a follower


Allison said...

+3 I'm a follower!

thanks for the contest :)

allison.dayle at

Michelle Santiago said...

+3 i'm a blog follower:
+3 i'm a youtube follower:
+1 i tweeted:

Total: 7 shiny points

thanks for this giveaway zoe and happy blogoversary!!

bookmakeupreview AT gmail DOT com

Cindy (Cindy's Love of Books) said...

Hi Zoe,

I am a new follower for +3 and i just subscribed to your youtube channel +3.

I loved your vlog for the giveaway and after seeing the trailers for the books they sound so good that I now what to read them.

cindysloveofbooksarc AT gmail DOT com

Fingers crossed!

flanpnhfpnanfnFN said...

+3 i'm a follower :)

i havent heard much about your books so i went on a hunt to find as much info as i could and they sound AMAZING! so even if i don't win i'm going to buy both books :)

This is just about the coolest giveaway i've seen yet in the bloggi world :)

Tehani Wessely said...

You have the most BEEYOUTIFUL book covers! I should have mentioned them in my recent post about covers! :)

+ 1 +1 +1 = +3 (tweeted on my personal (editormum75) AND my FableCroft Twitter accounts as well as on Facebook - Tehani Croft Wessely)
+ 3 Happily become a follower of this blog!
+ 3 Subscribed to YouTube Channel!

Thanks for the chance to enter!
editormum75 at gmail dot com

Lanta said...

+3 Subscribed to your YouTube channel
+3 Subscribed to your blog (RSS feed)

And you can thank The Story Siren for my coming here - until I saw the link to your competition, I hadn't realised that you'd got a blog, nor that you'd published a second novel (I've read your first)!

My email is

Anonymous said...

Cool (cool!) contest, Zoe...thanks

I twittered:

And am a follower here and on my google reader.

So, 4 points.


Stacey Smith said...

Looks like some great stuff there.
+2 My Blog on my myspace
+3 Follower

Badass Bookie said...

FANTABULOUSLY AWESOME CONTEST!!!!! I absloutley HEART your book covers (especially the second one for The Swan Kingdom!

+1 Tweeted -

+2 Contest Paged it -

+3 I Follow you!!!!!!!!!!!!!

All the Best!!!!
Lisa (Badass Bookie)

Josette said...

Hi there, I came here via The Story Siren's blog. I'm a new follower! And please count me in your contest. :)

+ 1 Tweeted (
+ 3 Blog follower



Milka said...

+3 I became a follower


Beverly said...

I am a follower +3
Please enter me! I hope I win!

Saya said...

+ 1 Facebook (tagged you)
+ 3 for clearly following albeit without the help of Google (I don't want you to EAT MY SOUL, Google!)

Do I get a million referral points? *fishing*

If not, I call dibs on stealing you for a coffee the next time you are in my fair city. <3

Giada M. said...

THANK YOU for making this awesome contest international! This time I really hope I win The Swan Kingdom or Daughter of the Flames! I can't wait to read them!*-*
+ 3 I'm a blog follower

Thank you for this chance!

Giada M.

fabgiada (at) gmail (dot) com

Anonymous said...

I am a follower 3 points. Please enter me in contest. Thank you.

Zoë Marriott said...

Okay! Saya (Hi Saya!), Starmetal_oak, Allison, CindysloveofBooks, Chelleyreads, Khadija, Editormum, Lanta, Deb, Stacey, Badass Bookie, Josette, Milka, Beverley, GiadaM, Tore - your points have all been totted up and added to the hat.

Phew, that was a lot of entries. Good luck everyone!

linz said...

Great contest! I can't wait to read your books.

+2 I posted

+3 I'm a follower


jedi145 said...

posted on facebook +1

and I'm a follower +3

Thanks !

Zoë Marriott said...

Hi Linz and Jedi145! Your entries have been added. Best of luck.

Sawako said...

Hi Zoe!
Great Contest! I need read your books!! I have fingers crossed!!

+2 Blog Post:

+3 I follow this blog

E-mail: stephangelsyl(at)hotmail(dot)com

Luck to all!!

TheReadingNomad said...

I'm in!



pargen said...

I'd like to enter too!!!

pargen at gmx at

RedButterfly said...

Amazing give away and Happy Blogiversary ^_~

+2 blogged about the contest here:

+3 blog follower

Dunno if I should leave my mail but here it is: lalafran(at)gmail(dot)com

Anyway good luck to everyone XD

Unknown said...


Misty said...

Thanks for the comp

I'm a follower +3

misty AT lg2 DOT com DOT au

Dark Star said...

+3 for new follower
+3 for subscribing to your yuotube channel as CanDYL0v3r

indiana said...

AMAZING contest!
+3 new follower

indiana said...

Should I put here my mail?

S a n d r a said...

+ 1 post in Facebook

+ 2 post in blog

+ 3 follower of the blog (Sandy!)

+3 follower of Youtube (sandymangajapan)

My mail is

Thank you!

Llehn said...

+3 I'm following your blog.


Zoë Marriott said...

Okay - "Lucy & Hikari", TheReadingNomad, Pargen, Red Butterfly, Kare, Misty, Dark Star, Indiana, Sandy! and Llehn - your points have been added. Thanks for entering and good luck!

The Book Hour said...

+3 I am a follower

Wow. An actual English author - they exist! :-) Awesome contest, thanks!

Ruth (Book Focus) said...

+1 Tweeted:
+3 Now following the blog!

I actually already have "The swan kingdom" but haven't been able to get my hands on a copy of "Daughter of flames" yet - it looks even better than "The swan kingdom" though! :)

Thanks for the giveaway!

Email: kiwibooklover at gmail dot com

BN Book Blog said...

New follower!

I loved The Swan Kingdom!

estsilva said...

I'm now following this blog (+3) and I suscribed to your Youtube channel(+3)
So, that's 6
Thanks for making this International!
I'll keep reading!

Zoë Marriott said...

The Book Hour, Ruth (Book Focus), BN Book Blog and Estsilva, your entries are all tallied and added to the hat. Good luck.

Draw tomorrow!

Erika Powell said...

I am a follower!
I tweeted

and I subscribed to your youtube channel!

Mariah said...

I loved Daughter of the flames! Great Contest!

I am now a follower!
I tweeted
I subscribed to your YouTube Readersadventure


Cate said...

Great Contest!

I'm a follower +3


Anonymous said...


I am a follower +3
Linked to blog +2


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